Housing Programs
SIRPC is experienced in the development and administration of Housing Programs related to Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation, First Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance, and conducting Housing Needs Assessments. SIRPC works with multiple agencies and coordinates their funding opportunities to create successful fundable projects.

Owner-Occupied Rehab Program
The Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program (OOR) is funded through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The funding is available to local units of government and not-for-profits on a competitive basis, annually. Individuals alone are not eligible. If approved, funding of up to $25,000 per home may be used to improve the conditions of the home of a qualified beneficiary.
To Learn More - Contact Patty JacksonSIRPC works with the communities in developing the application for the program. If funded, we will oversee the project to completion.

Housing Needs Assessment
SIRPC performs housing needs assessments for communities to help identify the conditions of their existing housing stock and the housing needs of the community, whether improving the existing housing stock or the need for more affordable housing.
To Learn More - Contact Patty JacksonSoutheastern Indiana Community Preservation and Development Corporation (SICPDC)
SICPDC a Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO) 501(c)(3), is seeking partnerships in our region to develop donated or acquired properties, vacant space and/or derelict buildings and turn these properties into affordable housing, particularly for persons of low to moderate income. The organization improves the quantity and quality of housing and assists in development of employment opportunities in these communities.
Homebuyer Program - SICPDC is partnering with Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) to revitalize neighborhoods through blighted or new "infill" construction in the following counties: Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, Switzerland.

Other Housing Opportunities
USDA 502 Single-Family Housing Loan program - SIRPC has been certified by USDA Rural Development to package the 502 single-family loan applications for individuals interested in purchasing a home.
USDA 504 Housing Rehabilitation Loan and/or Grant program -SIRPC works with potential applicants in applying for funds to do minor repairs to their homes.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program – is a federal tax credit program that incentivizes the investment of private equity in the development of housing that is affordable. State housing finance agencies administer the program with each state getting a fixed allocation of credits which is based on its population.
Learn MoreUSDA 504 Housing Rehabilitation Loan and/or Grant program -SIRPC works with potential applicants in applying for funds to do minor repairs to their homes.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program – is a federal tax credit program that incentivizes the investment of private equity in the development of housing that is affordable. State housing finance agencies administer the program with each state getting a fixed allocation of credits which is based on its population.
Please contact Patty Jackson: patty.jackson@sirpc.org or Kerry McConnell: kerry.mcconnell@sirpc.org for more information.
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